Digital Document Verification the Right Way

Simply put, document verification is how the authenticity of a document is verified. The document that’s being verified can be an officially issued document such as a driving license, state ID, bank statement, payslip etc. In a digitized world, where remote working is becoming the new norm and physical verification increasingly time-consuming, identifying a person’s credentials digitally has become extremely important for businesses and government entities.

How Does a Document Verification Process Work?

Document verification process checks for the authenticity of the personal information provided in the document such as name, date of birth, signature, address. In addition to personal information, document features like stamps, watermarks, fonts etc. are also verified to establish whether or not a document is forged. While traditional document verification needs one to be present physically and present the original documents along with copies( perhaps attested), digital verification of documents would simply need one to upload a copy of the document to an application. The digital analysis of documents relies on various methods such as

  • Text & Pattern Analysis 

During the text and pattern analysis phase, the correct usage of font, logic and positioning along with the replicable patterns, microprinting and metatext are analysed.
  • NFC Chip Reading

It involves the extraction of full image and data secured with a digital certificate.

Given the amount of data thefts and breaches, digital document verification technology has evolved using a combination of manual and machine readable detection to identify fraudulent documents.

Why Should You Use Document Verification Systems?

Along with automating the digital verification process, Document verification systems come with many advantages.

  • Accuracy
    Accuracy of a document is checked by analyzing the embedded security features and images of a document. And the system can use national and global databases to make sure that the submitted document is genuine.
  • Fast
    Although speed might not be a factor for a few hundred documents, large organizations often have to authenticate millions of documents where speed becomes essential.

Document verification systems can authenticate documents in a matter of a few seconds.
  • Good with User Experience
    By providing an interface that’s consistent and fast and simple to use, document verification systems also improve the user experience greatly.

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